Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Not-So-Secret Addiction

Okay, I give up. I admit it. I have a Facebook, Pinterest, Wanelo, Tumblr, Twitter, and MLIA addiction. I cannot go a day without these glorious apps. They make my life complete. I will never EVER be bored again. Facebook and Twitter keep me updated on what my friends are doing. Pinterest and Wanelo make me want to start planning my wedding and become rich. Finally Tumblr and MLIA let me know I’m not the only weird person in the word. What could possibly be better!
In addition to these addictions I also have an Unblock Me, Fun Run, Temple Run 2, and What’s the Word obsession. The only problem I ever encounter with these games is when my phone glitches out or dies. When playing these games all my worries go away. Nothing in the real word matters anymore.
Well…Ever since I got my new smart phone, I guess I have encountered some problems in my non-virtual life. I’ve noticed as soon as I pick-up my phone, time starts to fly! What feels like a minute, has actually been two hours. Although I’ve updated my status and beat two levels in Temple Run, I have yet to even start my school work. On Saturdays I will lay in my bed until the afternoon, because everything I need, I have in my phone. Why would I actually get up and do something productive in my life?

I know I’m not the only one who has this problem, but I do believe I am one of the few to admit to it. This problem is affecting my school work and my social life; however, I have no intention of giving up any of these social networking sites or games. The apps will remain on the home screen of my phone and I hope one day soon I will get more self control.


  1. Congratulations on admitting your addiction, hehe, that is the first step to recovery! I really appreciated your topic though. I don't think people realize how addicted they really are. I thought you had a very clear train of thoughts and it was easy for me to follow. Great piece girl! (:

  2. The first step of breaking an addiction is admitting you have one.... HAHAHA just kiddin:) but seriously I agree 100% with you. I am constantly using those same apps to pass time. I feel bad sometimes because I literally can't put my phone down and leave it alone. This week with work has been very challenging. My manager said if he saw us on our phones he would fire us, so I just leave it in my pocket for the five hours I'm working. It's pure torture. Tuesday night I had 28 text messages!!!!!! I think you did a good job and it is definitely a relatable post! :) nice work!

  3. This was so true! Everyone these days have smart phones and everything you need, they have! I never can put my phone down, I'm either on a social networking site or playing games. It's ridiculous and you see it all the time nowadays. I noticed there wasn't a lot of detail, you could have added how you feel about these devices and gave specific examples. In the beginning, you also said word instead of word. Otherwise, you did a really good job!

  4. I also have these same problems. However the only game I am addicted to is Candy Crush and I have never heard of MLIA. Everyday I waste away my life on my phone, TV, and computer. Your writing was very honest. I could really sense the frustration. The concluding sentence was great about explaining that even though you are frustrated you know you can't give up the apps.

  5. Kylie,
    Nice approach to talking about your "addiction." I agree with same, admission is the first step :) It's a relevant topic. It is so easy to spend time in the virtual world. Your writing flows so well together. You create a picture with your words and I'm never left wondering where you are going with your writing. And I have learned a bit about some other apps that I want to check out now.
