Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Coach and Teacher?

Coach or Teacher?
High School is one of the most important parts of a person’s life. It prepares us for college and the work force. The education we get in high school can either make or break us. With so much riding on our education, I think that schools should be focused on preparing us for our future, but I believe they are focused on something completely different, athletics. Teachers are pushed to the back burner to make room for the more important adults, the coaches. Many coaches tend to be teacher because coaching alone isn’t a full time job. Every year well qualified and passionate teachers are overlooked for jobs because a school wants to hire a teacher that can also be a coach. If we have the best coach, we have the best sports team, therefore the best school.
I believe teachers should not be allowed to be coaches. Education needs to come first. This year more than half of my teachers are coaches. I have noticed that during their season the teachers sometimes seem less focused on teaching the lesson and come to school ill prepared. Our class is given tests or study halls coincidently the day after a game. When we ask why we have to take a test the teachers openly admit that they didn’t have time to prepare the next lesson. Yet, they expect the athletes to have time to study. If that isn’t a double standard, I don’t know what is. Shouldn’t teaching always come first? Isn’t a teacher’s job to teach?
            I do acknowledge that this isn’t always the teachers fault. I feel that the school puts a lot of pressure on them to be the best coach and teacher possible. There is only so much time in a day and I’m sure it is hard to get all this work done.  Although coaching shouldn’t come first, the fear of repercussions puts even more fear and pressure to always win.
 On a weekly basis my coach teachers have spent over 15 minutes talking about last night’s game with the interested students. Last time I checked sports has absolutely nothing to do with school work. 15 minutes of my time has just been wasted. I could have been taught new material to better prepare me for my future. Teachers are also often unable to teach their afternoon classes due to away games. I’m tired of feeling that I am getting shorted out. I am an athlete too and I realize that sports are important and it does teach lessons and builds character. But if we lose it won’t affect my whole life. If I don’t get to learn all my needed material because a teacher is tired from coaching, it will affect me. It could potentially cost me needed ACT and GPA points, which I need to get into college. That will affect me for the rest of my life.
I realize that I go to a public school, but this concept still seems unfair. It is not in the best interest of the students. I would love for the administration to comment on this and make their stance on the matter. I know some teachers are an exception to this blog and really do love teaching and coaching and do a wonderful job at both. I’m not trying to burn any bridges or direct this at anyone in particular, but I believe in my opinions and needed to make myself known.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The 56th Session

 Tossing and turning. Tossing and turning. Just go to sleep, I think. Stop worrying. It’s 11, then 12, finally 1. It’s 1 o’clock in the morning and still I've had no sleep. Just tossing and turning. That’s it! I can’t take it anymore! I jump out of my bed and tiptoe upstairs to the computer. I just have to know. Shaking, I slowly type in my username and password for my g-mail account. This is the moment of truth. I click on the new email I knew would be waiting for me. Taking a deep breath I look at the message, “Congratulations”, it reads “You have been selected to represent Girl Scouts Dakota-Horizons at the 56th session of the commission on the Status of Women taking place February 24- March 2. I keep reading that sentence over and over again. Excitement creeps into my body, but so does panic. My heart is racing; my palms are damp with sweat. I am stunned with disbelief. I can’t believe they chose me.
The next months were a blur. Listening to webinars every Sunday evening, researching gender equality, packing my bags, and doing a weeks’ worth of homework didn't even faze me. My heart was in a permanent race. New York is all I could think about.
February 24, the day I was leaving, quickly came. I drove to school to take one final quiz and then I was on my way to the Bismarck airport. I've never even been on a plane and now I have to get on one and fly all the way to New York by myself. At least I would be able to meet the three other girls in Minneapolis. The flight was also free, so that’s always a bonus!
When I got off the plane three girls’ happy yet nervous faces greeted me. After introductions, we all silently walked to our next gate to fly to New York. On the plane I start talking to one of the girls, named Lorisa. She was from Webster, South Dakota. It turns out we have a lot in common! Our adviser then tells us we will be rooming together in the hotel. We couldn't be more excited!
Every day in New York brought us a new adventure. We got up at 4:30 each morning and were usually out the door by 6. We went to sessions, conferences, and caucuses at the United Nations and discussed how to improve gender equality. People really valued our opinions! None of us even cared that we didn't get to sight see in this grand city!
During this week, 5,000 people along with me changed. We were all from different parts of the world and at different stages of our lives.  We all learned through each other’s experiences and came to value each other’s culture. I gained a deeper respect towards women and learned that gender equality really is a serious problem in today’s society, especially in places outside of the United States.
Even though almost a year has passed since I've gone to this conference, not a day goes by when I don’t remember this incredible experience. I still keep in contact with many of the girls I met while in New York, and now call one of these girls my best friend. I can honestly say I will remember this journey forever. I want to wish CSW a happy 57th anniversary! Keep on changing lives, like I know you did to mine.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


                Flowers, chocolate, sugar cookies, flowers, teddy bears, hugs and kisses, jewelry and flowers. Did I mention flowers? All these objects have to do with one thing, a holiday. It’s a holiday that either a person loves or hates. It makes someone feel like they are on top of the world or are getting sucked into a black hole of doom. What could this most powerful important holiday be? Valentine’s Day, or as many of the less fortunate people of the world call it, Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D).

                This holiday all started out with a baby, but not just any baby, a baby that had wings and shot people with a bow and arrow of love and made the unsuspecting victim fall in love with the next person they saw. Yeah, I’m sure this actually happened in real life, not.

                Valentine’s Day is nonsense. First of all, it is over commercialized. It gives every company in the United States a reason to make their products pink and put hearts on them and sell them at an increased price. I suppose they are actually being smart about this. Americans are the foolish ones who buy these “romantic” products.

                This is also a huge waste of money! After Valentine’s Day a guy's wallet is five pounds lighter because they spend so much money on flowers, chocolate, and jewelry for their special someone. Also, 15% of women send flowers to themselves. Why? They waste their money and then watch the plant wilt and die. I really don’t think this would make me feel better about myself. Here’s another news flash, if someone really cares about their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriends they shouldn’t need a holiday to send them something. They think, “Here take these flowers .I had to get you these because of Valentine’s Day or else you would think I’m an insensitive boyfriend”.  If someone really loves you they should buy flowers out of the goodness of their heart, not because of a holiday.

                I propose that we stop celebrating Valentine’s Day all together! It would help men save their money and stop making people feel sorry for themselves. I think we are all of tired of dealing with the overpriced candy, busy restaurants, and crying people. The day Valentine’s Day gets taken off of the calendar will be the happiest day of my life, but until then I hope you all have a happy Singles Awareness Day!